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In order to download and save a PDF from HEADCHECK, we recommend using Chrome on either a Mac or a PC.
1. Login through the web at portal.headcheckhealth.com/login.
2. Click Teams on the left-hand side and select your team name to navigate to your list of athletes. Select the athlete that you would like to print a PDF for. Under the athlete's profile, click the History tab to view the tests and notes that have been added for this athlete. Select the date of the test that you would like to print.
3. Once the test has opened, click PDF at the top of the page and copy the password to download the file. (note: clicking the two papers to the right of the password will copy the password). Once you have copied the password, click “Save as PDF”
4. Once you have copied the password, enter it into the box to download the document. This will download as a PDF and allow you to print.
That’s it! To share test results, you are able to share a copy directly to the recipient using an encrypted and password protected email transfer; to share a test via email, click on the options menu (3 dot button) to the right of the test date under the athlete profile History tab and follow the steps indicated to set a password and send a copy of the test results.